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當前位置 -> 環氧地坪新聞資訊施工地下車庫的環氧地坪漆材料用量解讀 發布時間:(2019/5/28)




The introduction of material dosage of epoxy floor paint in garage, epoxy floor paint manufacturer reminds you that the skilled degree of epoxy floor paint builders has a greater impact on material dosage. Therefore, in the construction of epoxy floor paint in garage, it is necessary to select experienced workers, which can not only save materials, but also ensure the quality of the project. In recent years, with the vigorous development of the automotive industry, the problem of parking difficulty has gradually become prominent, the demand for underground garage is also increasing, and the garage epoxy floor paint is becoming more and more concerned. Compared with the traditional cement floor paint, the garage epoxy floor paint has good wear resistance, compressive resistance, easy cleaning, and has a high aesthetic, can effectively improve the garage grade of residential areas. As a result, more and more underground garages choose to make epoxy floor paint, the following Guanglei floor paint manufacturers on the garage epoxy floor paint consumption to give you a detailed analysis. 


The coating structure of epoxy floor paint is mainly divided into epoxy primer layer, epoxy middle coating and epoxy top coating layer.


Quantity of epoxy floor paint primer for garage:


The amount of epoxy floor primer used in garage is mainly related to the smoothness of the base. If the strength and smoothness of the base surface are very bad, then the material used for primer is very much. Therefore, Guanglei floor paint manufacturers believe that if you want to save the amount of floor paint, it is best to carry out the leveling work ahead of time. Generally speaking, the amount of epoxy primer used in garage is about 0.1-0.15kg per square meter when the base surface is smooth and the hardness is up to the standard.


Dosage of epoxy floor paint for garage:


The amount of intermediate coating is mainly affected by the size of quartz sand particles. Assuming that the diameter of quartz sand particles is very large, the epoxy material used in intermediate coating is used. Therefore, it is better to choose quartz sand particles with small diameter, so as to save materials. Generally speaking, the dosage of epoxy coating in garage is about 0.35-0.45 kg per square.


Quantity of epoxy floor paint for garage:


Generally speaking, the garage epoxy topcoat is usually scraped once with batch knife, then rolled once with drum, the amount of epoxy topcoat per square is about 0.3 kg.

來源:  瀏覽次數:7400
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